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sâmbătă, 16 iunie 2012

Spotted: Liley &Brace

Liley = Liam + Miley

They look like  a happy couple. They are. Now when M.  appeared at an event with the engagement ring, there don't have other secrets. Hopefully we'll find out when, and where is the wedding.

While they are in love, others will  divorce. Yes, divorce. I talk about Brace ( Brenda Song + Trace Cyrus)
As we know that this unhappy couple was expecting their first child, and 2-3 weeks ago they anounced their divorce.
Into an interview, B. said : ''We decide to go in different ways.'' , of course you said that , what else can you say(?), that this LOVE thing can't work , or your cheating each other(?) Yes, it's easier like that.
Well, it's not love without...DRAMA (again). You can't love with paparazzi  through the neighborhood.

                                                    :) xx

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