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sâmbătă, 30 iunie 2012

Miley Cyrus is starving herself for her fiancé

Miley Cyrus has lost a lot of weight the past year, and now rumor has it that she's working out 3 hours a day- and starving herself on a 500 calories a day diet! Her fiancé Liam  is reportedly "worried" about her shrinking figure and he's threatening to call off the wedding if she doesn't gain some weight again! 

"The ridiculous thing is, she started this regimen because she was worried Liam would fall for his Hunger Games co-star Jennifer Lawrence. She decided that the only way to keep him was to get the best body of her life."    Please M., stop this behaviour! It's crazy! You're good enough for L., and he loves you just the way you are!  
 Don't copy this girl.It's just a drama until she'll realise!

                                                                                                                                                    :) xx

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