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sâmbătă, 19 ianuarie 2013

Danielle Peazer replied to one of my tweets.

I was like..OMG, DID HER DO THAT?
I posted a tumblr that I really love , and you guys should check out ( you can get her style), and she told me that she love it , as you can see:

Follow me on Twitter @CMmitche, and I'll follow back.
                                                                                                                       :) xx

miercuri, 16 ianuarie 2013

Taylor Swift and Harry Styles might get back togheter

While we had heard that there was no chance of a reconciliation between Taylor Swift and Harry Styles, it seems like there might be…A source spilled to Heat magazine:
They won’t let each other go that easily. They’re waiting for the dust to settle after their row made front-page news. But this is not the last you’ve seen of their romance. They miss each other now that they’re apart, they’ve been in contact since the day Taylor left Harry in the Caribbean. [They] are planning to meet up in the next couple of weeks. They are both pretty serious about each other, this is just a blip.
Taylor sent out the following warning about being in the studio after their breakup:
Back in the studio. Uh oh... 

What do you think?
                                                  :) xx

vineri, 11 ianuarie 2013

Out and about Justin Bieber's smoking scandal

Justin Bieber is really in the hot air after being photographed at a party with what appears to be a joint of marijuana. Now his fans are starting to questioning his friendship with rapper Lil' Twist, and claims he's the one having a very bad influence on Justin. "Friends and family are deeply concerned that Twist has become a powerful negative influence in Justin's life and feel very strongly that he needs a clean break from the rapper or else bad things are going to happen". 

Justin tweeted about the controversy saying: "“I see all of u. i hear all of u. i never want to let any of you down. i love u. and..thank u. like i said…2013…new challenges. new doubters…Im ready. We are ready. see u all tomorrow and everyday after that. goodnight ladies.” We can't help but think he should end that friendship pretty soon as well...
After Justin Bieber's reported drug scandal, his fans have gone all wild on Twitter. One thing that started trending is the hashtag #cut4bieber where fans began posting pictures of their newly cut bloody arms, saying they were "cutting" themselves after being disappointed of their idol.

Miley Cyrus has spoken out about the new trend, and she's furious! ""#cut4bieber? Cutting is NOT something to joke about. There are people who are actually suffering from self-harm, this is so disrespectful.", she wrote on Twitter. What Justin himself thinks about this madness is not yet clear, but we bet he thinks it's just as insane as we do. (tmz)

                                      :) xx

No more Haylor

Uh oh! It looks like we might have been right when we said Taylor Swift and Harry Styles might have split just before Taylor Tweeted the song lyric “…’til You Put Me Down” from her song “I Knew You Were Trouble,” which is reportedly about Harry. An insider has revealed that during their vacation in the Virgin Islands this month Taylor and Harry got into a heated argument and Taylor took a flight home while Harry stayed to continue on with his vacation.
A source spilled to the Business Insider:
Richard Branson heard Harry was staying nearby so invited him to come check out Necker. So when Taylor left for the states, Harry went to Branson’s island for the day to let off some steam. He did plenty of partying and was definitely enjoying himself while hanging out with guests. He returned to Virgin Gorda in the early morning hours looking like he had a raucous night.
Yea, we bet many of you guys saw this one coming, but now it's confirmed: Harry Styles andTaylor Swift went separate ways. After two months of dating they have decided to break up: "They are both really busy and never in one place for long. Harry's really upset about the split and is really sensitive about it". 

"Loads of his friends told him to be careful and that it was never going to last, and he feels a little foolish now that it's fallen apart so quickly". Poor Harry! The couple spent the holidays together and celebrated New Year's Eve in NYC together, kissing at midnight. So... What do you guys think her next song will be? "I Fell For Those Blue Eyes", perhaps? (lifeandstylemag)

                                                             :) xx

miercuri, 2 ianuarie 2013

One Direction Will Have A Private Jet, Called Air Force One Direction, For Their 2013 World Tour

It looks like One Direction has made it big time for sure! The guys will have a private jet, called Air Force One Direction, for their 2013 world tour! The jet cost $3 million, and will make it easier for the guys to travel from country to country to perform for their fans!
It has been announced that the plane is just for the 1D members, and that if they want friends or girlfriends to travel on tour with them they will have to find their own transportation.

                                                                                                                         :) xx

sâmbătă, 29 decembrie 2012

Taylor Swift and Harry Styles talking about having kids and marriage

Woah now! Taylor Swift and Harry Styles JUST started dating, but already insiders have revealed that they wouldn’t be surprised if the duo tied the knot soon. One source spilled:
This [relationship] has gone from zero to 60 in seconds. Harry is totally in love. I can see them getting married in a week, just going for it.
According to a source who spoke with OK! Magazine, Haylor are talking about having kids! The source spilled:
Taylor loves babies, [she] would like to have a child of her own while she’s still in her 20s. Every time she goes ga-ga over a baby, [Harry] struggles not to flip out. There’s no way he’s even remotely interested in having a baby. He’s a good 10 years away from something like that.
Do YOU think Taylor and Harry will have kids together in the future? 
Do YOU think Taylor and Harry will get married soon?

                                                       :) xx                

vineri, 28 decembrie 2012

Spotted: Rihanna and Chris Brown togheter

K-I-S-S-I-N-G! Some people saw RiRi and Chris Brown the other day holding hands in downtown LA.  
The photos with them are on all magazines and blogs,because, IT'S OFFICIAL : they are a couple.
Are you happy they're back together or not?  Let us know.

                                         :) xx